Pennsylvania governor upset with Ben Roethlisberger after he gets haircut with barbershops still closed
After getting injured last season, Roethlisberger pledged not to cut his hair or beard until he was fully recovered and could throw a real NFL pass. That came to fruition this week. Since Barber Shops are still closed in Pennsylvania, the governor was not very happy.
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf was not thrilled that Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger got a haircut during the coronavirus pandemic. With the county in the "yellow" stage of reopening, barbershops and hair salons are not yet permitted to open.
The QB went to Norman's Cuttin' Edge Barbershop in Sewickley, Penn. after a workout with teammates, despite the restrictions on the area in place. On Tuesday, during his daily briefing, Wolf expressed his concerns, saying no one should be risking exposure to the virus for a haircut:
"My concern is just a general concern. Anybody who puts himself or herself into harm's way is something that I think we have to try to avoid. When you go to something like a barbershop and you're not protected, I don't care who you are, the chances of that virus actually wreaking havoc on your life increases. I don't personally think any Pennsylvanian ought to take that chance. I certainly don't want to take that chance myself."
Attorney Marc Kohnen released a statement on behalf of the barbershop saying that the barber, Carlos Norman, and Roethlisberger are friends and he did it as a favor. Kohen said Norman did not take a payment from the QB in return for the haircut.